
Monday 27 August 2012


GoAnimate.comOnly Connect... by JJohnsonn

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

"ONLY CONNECT"... These two simple words, (the epigraph to E.M. Foresters 1910 novel "Howard's End") have stuck with me since I was an undergrad at University studying English in the 1990's.

They sum up the essence of literacy &, I believe, the purpose of school. We are communicators. We read, we write, we solve, we learn, we share through a wide variety of mediums. The technology age has only enhanced this aspect of our human nature. We tweet. We blog. We facebook.  We continue to read, write, learn and share in new ways and as such are becoming digital citizens.

I post blogs on a regular basis so be sure to check in often. The purpose of this site is:
  • to provide digital connection between myself, students,  parents, the community & other educators or interested parties. It acts as an online newsletter for everyone to know what AWESOME learning activities are going on in this classroom!
  • to act as a teaching tool in this class as I post & connect learning items. I often post material on this site that I use in the classroom. I may also co-write blogs with students or have student guest bloggers (a great way to model digital citizenship!)
  • to organize material. I will be posting downloadable documents related to assignments on this blog that can be downloaded from home.
  • to act as a portfolio of student work (including a link to an on line writing portfolio page which will develop as the school year progresses and track student gains over time).
As you can see, there are several pages, blogs and links. This site will grow as this class grows through the year.

Please explore the site & let me know if you've any questions, concerns or comments! I always welcome feedback. My email is

Julie Johnson, teacher

PS I also created a comic based on the theme 'only connect'...

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